Anderson Workshops

The MELT Workshop is a simple self-treatment technique which uses a soft roller and soft rubber balls to restore health and balance in the myofascial (myo = muscle, fascia = connective tissue), nervous, and lymphatic systems of the body. You can feel better with participating just minutes a day.

Is MELT like yoga, Feldenkrais®, Pilates®, or foam rolling?

No. MELT is a unique approach to making changes in your neurofascial system (nervous and connective tissue system), in a way that improves muscle and joint mobility, and helps shift the nervous system toward the parasympathetic aspects which promote “rest, heal, and digest.”

Has MELT been reviewed by experts? Is there any research?

Yes, MELT has been reviewed and approved by internationally respected doctors, neuroscientists, and researchers such as Tom Myers, Gil Hedly, Ph.D., Robert Schleip, Ph.D., and Jean Pierre Barral, D.O. A google search for MELT Method will yield research evidence.


MELT creates a strong, flexible body and promotes and maintains upright posture. Mobility is restored to your joints and soft tissues in just minutes a day. Sleep and digestion improve. Aches and pains decrease or are erased. Tension and stress are decreased. You will see and feel results after just one session.

For Anyone

Literally everyone can benefit from MELT®. Whether you want to keep your body healthy and pain free, or relieve pain or injury, you can learn to treat your own body with this unique Hands-off Bodywork™ approach.

Group or Private

We offer group workshops, private and semi-private sessions. Sign up today and take your first step toward living PAIN FREE!

MELT Method Workshop

If you are new to the MELT Workshop, it will be best for you to purchase MELT equipment before your first workshop. Ideally the MELT soft body roller and the hand and foot kit (either mini or full). Even if you have a roller already, the MELT roller is a worthwhile
purchase because it offers a unique and unparalleled experience. If you have any
questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. Please plan to begin logging on for your
workshop or class a few minutes before start time in case you have technical difficulties.
Call us if you have trouble and a team member will assist you.

Our workshops are subject to change, and please click the button below to sign up.